Articular process fractures


Natural history


Superior articular process fracture

- potentially unstable


Inferior articular process fracture

- thought to be more stable


CT scan


Cervical Spine Facet FractureCervical Superior Articular Facet Fracture0001Cervical Superior Articular Facet Fracture0002




Spector et al Spine 2006

- 24 patients with 26 unilateral facet joint fractures

- 5 patients developed instability requiring stabilization

- larger fragments at risk (> 40% of the lateral mass)


Small superior articular facet fracture

< 40% of the lateral mass


Large superior articular facet fractureSup art 1Sup art 2

Superior articular facet fracture approximately 50% of the lateral mass




Totera et al Asian Spine J 2023

- 37 patients with unilateral facet joint dislocation

- failure of non operative treatment associated with traumatic disc injury










Hard collar


Clinical and radiographic observation

- can develop anterolithesis

- incidence of spinal injury




van Eck et al Asian Spine J 2017

- 74 patients with unilateral, minimal displaced facet joint fractures

- 15/74 (20%) progressed radiographically (> 10% listhesis)

- only two developed radiculopathy

- risks fractures for instability were initial fracture displacement or presentation with radiculopathy