Juvenile Hallux Valgus


Juvenile HVJuvenile HV




Incidence 2 - 4%

- more common in girls

- high incidence of positive family history




Metatarsus primus varus / adductus

- TMT joint obliquity

- often primary deformity


Increased interphalangeal angle


Ligamentous laxity / joint hypermobility


Increased DMAA with congruent joint




Ligamentous laxity - Beighton's score


TMTJ hypermobility


Neurological examination




Juveile HVJuvenile HV


Growth plates open

Congruent joint

Increased DMMA

Oblique first TMT joint with metatarsus adductus

Hallux valgus interphalangeus






Delay any surgery until

- adolescence

- physis closed (but not CI if open)


Well fitting shoes


Flexible flat foot may benefit from medial arch support


Operative management




Growth modulation


Lapidus TMT arthrodesis

Cuneiform ostetomy


Growth modulation


Artioli et al J Paediatr Orthop 2023

- systematic review growth modulation juvenile HV

- lateral hemi - epiphysiodesis

- good clinical results

- prevents progression rather than corrects




Akin / proximal phalangeal osteotomy - corrects interphalangeal angle

Chevron / Scarf osteotomy

Proximal metatarsal osteotomy

Double osteotomy - proximal and distal


Scarf akin


Harb et al J Child Orthop 2015

- systematic review osteotomies for adolescent HV

- 90% good or excellent outcomes


Edmonds et al J Pediatr Orthop 2015

- 106 juvenile HV

- distal osteotomy v proximal osteotomy v double

- distal osteotomy most consistent with lowest overcorrection

- double osteotomy best radiographic correction but highest overcorrection


Lapidus procedure



- hypermobility of the TMT joint

- obliquity of the first TMT joint


Hallux Valgus Lapidus Procedure


1st Cuneiform Opening Wedge Osteotomy


Severe IM angle with open 1st metatarsal epiphysis

- marked M-C joint obliquity with high IM angle

- opening wedge (iliac crest graft)