Turf Toe


Turf toe MRITurf toe




Forced hyper-extension injury to 1st MTP joint


Injury to the plantar plate


Turf Toe - flexible shoes / playing on artificial turf




Plantar plate

Plantar plate Attachments

Tibial / fibula

sesamoid phalangeal ligaments

Inter-sesamoid ligament

Thickening of plantar capsule

Strongest stabilizer of the 1st MTPJ

Distal to P1

Proximal to metatarsal

Sesamoids embedded in plate proximally

FHB attached to sesamoids

Plantar plate thickened laterally

At insertion to sesamoids

Plantar plate thin centrally

FHL runs here




NFL / soccer / gymnastics / basketball

- artificial turf

- reduced incidence due to developments in artificial turf (thicker / sand)




Swelling 1st MTPJ

Pain with agility / running




Point tender over plantar plate

Pain with dorsflexion of the 1st MTPJ


Vertical Lachman test

- stabilize metatarsal

- translate P1

- compare to other side

- typically there is no vertical translation


Anderson Grading


Grade 1: Mild sprain

- can weight bear

- normal ROM


Grade 2: Partial tear plantar plate

- difficulty weight bearing

- restricted ROM


Grade 3: Complete tear plantar plate / capsule

- significant bruising and swelling

- vertical instability of the 1st MTPJ

- +/-proximal migration sesamoids




Bilateral weight bearing xrays


Proximal migration of the sesamoids associated with Grade 3 complete tear



Grade 3 plantar plate injury without proximal migration sesamoids




Sagittal images


Turf toe MRITurf toe MRI

Distal avulsion of plantar plate (circle). Star - plantar plate.  Arrows - flexor tendon


Turf toeTurf toe

Complete plantar plate avulsion




Non operative




Grade 1 / Grade 2


Grade 1 Grade 2


- minimal swelling / ecchymosis


- tender / swelling / ecchymosis


- RTP 1 - 2 weeks

- as symptoms resolve


- RTP 4 - 6 weeks

- taping toe / stiff soled shoes to prevent hyper-extension




Nery et al Foot Ankle Surg 2020

- 8 patients grade 2 treated nonoperatively: 20% did not return to sport


Grade 3 Turf Toe




Marked pain / swelling / ecchymosis / marked decrease ROM

+/- sesamoid retraction


Operative versus non operative management


Nery et al Foot Ankle Surg 2020

- 14 patients grade 3 treated with surgery: 29% did not return to sport


Lindsay et al Foot Ankle Orthop 2020

- 53 NFL players with high grade Turf Toe

- 28 non operative: 100% RTP but only 78% at previous level

- 25 operative: 80% RTP

- longer RTP with operative




Walking boot / cast for 6 weeks

- tape - prevent extension


Taping toe / stiff soled shoes to prevent extension for 6 weeks


Operative management




Complete plantar plate tear

Vertical instability

Traumatic hallux valgus

Sesamoid retraction

Displaced sesamoid fracture

Chondral injury

Large capsular avulsion

Failed non operative management


Open technique


Medial incision +/- 1st webspace incision


Plantar plate tears

- distal

- repair if distal tissue

- otherwise drill holes through P1 / suture anchors


Proximal sleeve avulsions

- repair to sesamoid


Sesamoid fracture - ORIF


Arthroscopic technique


Arthroscopic technique PDF




Smith et al Foot Ankle Int 2018

- 15 grade 3 injuries, average age 19

- 11 patients had complete rupture of both tibial & fibular phalangeal sesamoid ligaments

- 4 had diastasis of bipartite sesamoid

- 8 MCL and 5 LCL ligaments

- primary ligament repair

- sesamoid injuries - excision and advancement of plantar plate

- abductor hallucis advancement for tibial sesamoid resection

- 11/14 RTP

- 3/14 did not RTP for reasons unrelated to toe



Chronic turf toe


Can develop osteochondral injuries / OA


Turf toe OATurf toe